Thursday, August 5, 2010

sami in her shade...loves bath time~
we stopped by to visit friends Ryan and laura insquamish. sami loved ryans green shirt and was giving him full belly laughs byt the time we left.

laura and sami! she loved them! and there 3 dogs and cat!

me and dougy in whistler at the rings!

walking around the village, makes me realize how much weight i have left to loose! i do my work out everyday so im sure i iwll eventually....


me and dougy at whistler! i love dougy hes awesome~
we stopped at murring lake along the way to whistler....dougy got some fishing in and we hada nice lunch...i made ham sandwhiches!

sami hanging in her stroller at murring lake!

doug said to me at green lake "ill put sami down for her nap" i go in one hour as i hear snoring....look what i found! they slept for over two hours!
i will post more later.....


before i post about the rest of our vacation i want to say this. when i had sami i wasnt too concerned about breastfeednig, if i could great if not, that was ok. its been 4 months. its very handy in some ways, mobile, no need for ect. but i also dont like it for reasons. im still breaking out in a sweat half the time when feeding. i feel like im "stuck" more to the home....although she does take the bottle sometimes it can be a struggle ...especially if its me trying to give her the bottle. im hoping to make it to 5 or even 6 months and see how it goes...maybe do like 9 months of once a day if i can? im grateful i can breast feed and she gts all he good stuff but sometimes i just wish.....not for the formula bill though!

Monday, August 2, 2010


me and sami at the cabin!

sami loves her bumbo chiar!
loves nothing more than swimming with daddy

First off let me say....

its so much work going away, pack than coming home unpack clean...groceries...ect...but well worth it...

we started our trip off at green lake for 3 nights! sami did awesome here. only cried once the whole trip...slept wherever she was put anddi well!
i will add more in a bit. doug would like the computer now...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

new stuff

this pic is an oldie....back in the day when we were dating....

YO! too bad i didnt bring my camera pics sorry! we are currently up at green lake enjoying the sun and all life has to offer- quading, swimming, reading, beer. its very nice. we had full intentions of going camping but the fire ban is on everywhere so we decided we will just do thisanother weekend for sure once this summer! we plan on heading back home wed for a night and than making our way up to whistler thur/ friday for a night up there! sami has been adapting well. she had to take a bath in the big bath and didnt like this, she was confused and slippery and cant really sit up on her own. although she held on to the side of the bahttub and held herself up for like 10 seconds! i think she might jsut skip the whole crawling stage andmove to walk eventually. she hates tummy time, although we got this cool contraption at a garage sale that is a tummy time toy. i will have to post a pic, it has a mirror you look into and twirl around, she loves this. repo, our dog, is up here with us and doing well. although sad to say, he is getting old, and really cant handle any heat. he is ? 6 years old, i believe this is old for an american bulldog. i love him cause he is low maintenence and good gaurd dog but he really stinks. i made the mistake of tying him to a tree and washing him before we left, andall we good smell was weet dog the whole way up, sad to say, we got used to the smell. also, when we were driving up a car passed us on a whindy strip and infront of them was this truck/trailer....this car started swerving all over and honking continuosly at this poor truck, who wasnt even going that slow maybe 80-90km? eventually the truck pulled over for people to pass and this little car was insane and such a rude driver. doug felt like calling the police but we didnt. anyways we ended up seeing the car like 1 hour later at a rest stop we passed and it was like, "really, does going 10 km an hour faster get you there any faster?" no. doug has a speacilist appointment on thursday with a neorologist for his numb fingers. i think they will give him troble as he was suppose to follow up with his neurosurgeon after his surgery and never did.

WE also celebrated our 2 year anniversary up here. we had porl chops and corn on the cob, all made by dougy. it was nice. some of the qualities i appreciate about doug are ones that drive me crazy: he always does things right the first time, which takes more time and patience.....his silliness...for those of you who dont know he is very silly....he is strong- physically (jsut ask my sisters we helped them move) and emotionally, unlike me who is an emotional mess usually. he appreciates the outdoors and loves nature and God's earth.

i think thats it from here! have a good week everyone~!
ps: im very excited- i have made the decision to dye my hair a dark, dark brown come september!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bone spurs

i dont know if anyone knows anything about bone spurs? about 6 years ago doug lost feeling through his arms and eventually his leg and he started walking with a limp and got diagnosed with bone spurs- he had surgery where they took some bone from his hip to replace on the front of his neck. this week doug was saying his hands had pins and needles and loss of feeling again. he was worried it might be bone spurs vs. carpel tunnel? i made him a dr appt for monday but does anyone know if you have had them before if they are more likely to come back? im hoping not, for both our sake, apparently he was off on disability for months, as the recovery with physio is long. i met him when he was pretty much recovered from this.
ps: my sister rish came over last night and she got so many giggles from sami using the word "doh" it was so cute!

Friday, July 9, 2010


our "two kids" for 24 hours. doug's niece, olivia is in kamloops so when we get a chance to hang with her we try and have lots of fun. her mom, angie (dougs sis) lives in kamloops and works full time! Olivias dad is currently back in africa and we are excitingly waiting for his return! its nice to have cousins for sami to play with!

doug grandfather getting some giggles. dougs grandaprents are in their 80'sand our doing so well. its one of our highlights every trip to kamloops to go see them. they are very spirited. i asked them what the key to a lifelong marriage, and his grandfather i believe said something along the lines of keep it light and humor. they are awesome people! glad to have them, and dougs whole family in our lives!

samis bonnet. a eve growing love in my life. just cant get enough of her!
we are so blessed to have a happy, healthy family. After my scare with my health when i had sami, i am thankful every day for my health. i guess as much as we dont want to we can take it for granted when we have it. it still makes me very emotional and teary to think of how sick i was and how great life is! thankful to God everyday i have such a wonderful family, extended family and in laws!