WEll people always say...why dont you update your blog? what is new in your life? I laugh and think...nothing really.
1)ive been working lots...decided im going to try and stay at langley instead of transfering to abbotsford in june.
2) the man who lives upstairs tore down the robins nest that was outside of my door- with that being said im getting sick of hearing birds, all day and all night..
3) i have been bbqing almost every day.
4)i hav e also been preparing for summer. bought a mattress, lanterne and just need a little cd player and im set....
5) i went camping one night randomly for 12 hours with my friend robyn. It was dark when we got there and just morning when we left...but it was still nice to sleep outside.
6) im still upset about the canucks- go ottawa go.
Thats it for me....been going biking almost every day...or walking or running!