Monday, February 26, 2007

my shiny new chariot

So, i got my new bike. It is very nice. Although i have two questions, the back wheel and brake move sdie to side, like the tire is flat- but it isnt. Also, how high should my seat be? should i be able to straighten my knees all the way?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My First Blog Experience

Hello. So i tried doing myspace but couldnt figure it out....but i hope i can get this up and going. I like this pic of me (besides the freckles) because its summer, the beach in the background...its nice. When stuff from my life comes up i will add pictures...the other one is me and my girl Leah when we went on a hike to "elfin lakes" this summer, defentily an experience as we got lost and sun burnt to the core.