Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bone spurs

i dont know if anyone knows anything about bone spurs? about 6 years ago doug lost feeling through his arms and eventually his leg and he started walking with a limp and got diagnosed with bone spurs- he had surgery where they took some bone from his hip to replace on the front of his neck. this week doug was saying his hands had pins and needles and loss of feeling again. he was worried it might be bone spurs vs. carpel tunnel? i made him a dr appt for monday but does anyone know if you have had them before if they are more likely to come back? im hoping not, for both our sake, apparently he was off on disability for months, as the recovery with physio is long. i met him when he was pretty much recovered from this.
ps: my sister rish came over last night and she got so many giggles from sami using the word "doh" it was so cute!

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